Abramson Procedure - Pectus Carinatum

Abramson surgery, which is a minimal invasive surgical method applied for pectus carinatum, was first introduced to the world in 2015 when Horacio Abramson presented it at European Cardiothoracic Surgery. As a method, we were performing open surgery for pectus carinatum in the past. Abramson announced this minimal invasive method implemented on fourteen patients between the years 2003-2004. Pektus Klinik is one of the first centers in the world to apply this technique after Abramson.

When Donald Nuss introduced minimal invasive method for pectus excavatum, no one had any idea about this Abramson surgery. . Based on the logic of Donald Nuss, Horacio Abramson also figured out fixing thorax by lifting it up from below and he performed the first pectus carinatum surgery by placing a steel bar in front of the bone and the result of the operation was quite successful. And after this, the method started to be implemented on the patients.

pektus abramson ameliyati


pektus abramson ameliyati


When we observed the successful results of fourteen patients during European Cardiothoracic Surgery congress, we also decided to perform this surgery and after this congress we applied Abramson method on or patients for the first time.

For the first three patients, we performed the first three surgeries by affixing stabilisers, that is butterfly valves to the ribs on both both sites, and affixing this bar, which is placed on the bone, to the butterfly through subcutaneous layer. Those surgeries were very successful.

Later on, taking the patents of our owns manufactured by a Turkish local firm, we implemented our bars to implement our own technique. So far, we have performed approximately two hundred Abramson surgeries. Satisfaction rate of the patients is about ninety five per cent.

Abramson surgery is a surgery that can be completed in a short time. It is completed within approximately forty five minutes. We keep the bars in the body for two years.

By the end of this two years period, we remove the bars according to patient satisfaction, and if there is no complaint. And Abramson is a surgery method, as a result of which we have customer satisfaction and successful results by ninety five per cent.