
General Information

Pectus Deformities - A Problem Casting Shadows Over Children's Summer Fun

Summer months are a great time for children to have a holiday, have a pleasant time, go to the sea and pool ...


Pectus Clinic

Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Pectus Deformities

If you notice that your child's chest is sunken inward or protruding outward, don't worry.


Pektus Klinik

Pectus Disease in Children and Early Diagnosis

Pectus is a congenital anomaly and naturally all children born with pectus should be recognized at birth.


Pektus Klinik

Pectus Excavatum (Funnel Chest) Nuss surgery

Pectus excavatum, also known as funnel chest, is a congenital inward collapse of the anterior chest wall.


Pektus Klinik

What is Poland Syndrome? What are the treatment options?

Poland Syndrome is a disorder characterized by the absence of the pectoral major muscle of the chest wall


Pektus Klinik

What is Sotos Syndrome ?

A rare genetic overgrowth syndrome characterized by a typical facial appearance, overgrowth with excessive skull size, and variable mental impairment.