Pectus Excavatum (Funnel Chest) Nuss surgery

Apr 7, 2024


Pektus Klinik


Pectus excavatum, a structural disorder of the chest wall, is a congenital inward collapse of the anterior chest wall. Pectus excavatum is the most common structural defect of the chest wall. Vacuum Bell therapy is a non-surgical treatment method for Funnel chest and has a high success rate when used regularly in patients younger than 17 years of age. In Vacuum Bell Therapy for Pectus Excavatum, the selection of the appropriate Vacuum System for each patient requires a certain experience. Choosing the right type is important for the success of the treatment.

How to Start Vacuum Bell Treatment?

  • After the examination, it is decided that the deformity can be corrected by vacuum.
  • Heart and lung examinations are performed.
  • The pit is measured and a vacuum of appropriate size is recommended to the patient.
  • Vacuum Bell application is taught to the patient.
  • The patient then uses it at home or at work.

NOTE : Hospitalization is not required at any stage of the procedure.