Pectus Disease in Children and Early Diagnosis

Apr 7, 2024


Pektus Klinik


Pectus is a congenital anomaly and naturally all children born with pectus should be recognized at birth. But the child's rib cage is also very flexible.

Since the rib cage reaches a certain shape and opens again with every inhalation and exhalation, it is that much more difficult for the family to recognize the deformity. Therefore, it can be quite difficult to recognize chest wall deformity in children until they reach the age of blue. Generally, families usually tell us when their child is thirteen or fourteen years old, when the chest wall deformity starts to deepen. If the family recognizes the chest wall deformity early, we have a high chance of treating this deformity with non-surgical methods.


Because the ideal age for the treatment of these children with vacuum and orthosis is twelve-thirteen. If it is caught at the age of twelve-thirteen, we have a ninety-five to ninety-seven percent chance of treatment success. For this reason, we recommend that families consult a doctor, especially a physician who deals with pectus, as soon as they notice changes in the shape of their children's rib cage. If we notice this deformity in the patient at the age of 4-5-6, we can start vacuum treatment for these patients at this age. Likewise, if families notice the carinatus chest deformity at the age of 6-7, we start treatment at this age. And the success rate of orthosis treatment increases in the same way.

In children over the age of sixteen or seventeen, these non-surgical treatment methods, especially Orthosis and vacuum, have a very low chance of success. In these children, if we decide to use Orthosis treatment even though they have passed this age, skin lesions occur, and since the pressure of the chest wall to correct the deformity is quite high, very uncomfortable skin lesions can occur during treatment. Therefore, early diagnosis has a very successful place in the treatment of this patient group with non-surgical methods.