What is Poland Syndrome? What are the treatment options?

Sep 13, 2023


Pektus Klinik


Poland Syndrome is a disorder characterized by the absence of the pectoral major muscle of the chest wall. The absence of the pectoral muscle is more common, usually on the right side. Along with the pectoral major muscle, absence of the nipple, absence of axillary hair and absence of ribs on the chest wall are also common deformities. Poland Syndrome is more common in boys than in girls. In girls, up to one third of the breast tissue may also be absent.

In these patients, it may be necessary to make the breast equal to the other breast with breast replacement silicone at a later age. The family usually brings the patient to the doctor with a feeling of collapse on that side of the chest wall and the preliminary diagnosis is Pectus Excavatum and the absence of a muscle can be found with a careful examination. This Poland Syndrome emerged for the first time in England when a medical student named Alfred Poland found the absence of this muscle during his work on cadavers and it was stated as a disease named after him.

In the treatment of Poland Syndrome, we use three methods for replacement. One fat injection is applied to try to provide the fullness of the muscle in that area. Secondly, muscle replacement is usually done by transferring the latissimus dorsi muscle on the patient's back to replace the pectoral muscle in front. A third method is the silicone breast implant we use in women. The disproportion is corrected by placing a breast implant prepared in a three-dimensional printer according to the patient's body. After the ideal age of seventeen, it is a cosmetic surgery to be performed after the development of the rib cage is completely finished, and there is no loss of function in patients. Only one third of the patients have chest wall deformity along with Poland. In these patients, Pectus Excavatum or Carinatum first affects the treatment and then this disproportion in the chest of this patient is corrected with a breast implant.